Posted by Didi Setyapramana On 7:19 PM 0 komentar

It is widely recognized that problem-solving is creativeproces which largerly defies stteammatization and mechanization.This may not sound very encouraggimg to the would-be problem-solver.Tobalance this,most people,during their schooling,acquire at least a modest set of problem-solving skill which they may or may not be aware of.
                Even if one not naturally skiled at ploblem –solving there are anumber of steps that can be taken to raise the level of one’s performance.It is not implied or intended that suggestions in what follows are  in any way a recepie for problem-solving.Plain fact of the matter is no universal method .Different strategies apper to work for defferent people.
                Whithin tis context,then,where can we begin to say anything useful about computer problem solving ?We must start from the premise that that computer problem-solving is about understanding.

Problem definition phase
            Success in solving any problem is only possible after we made the effort to come to term with or understand the problem at hand.We cannot hope to make useful progress in solving a problem until we fully understand what it is we are trying to solve.This premilinary investigation may be thought of as the problem definition phase .In other word ,What we must do during this phase  is work out what must be done rather than how to do it .that is ,we must try to exact from the problem statement (which is often quite impriecise and maybe even ambiguous) a set of precisely defined task.inexperienced problem-solver toom often gallop ahead with how they are going to solve the problem only to find that they are either  solving the wrong problem or they are solving just a very special case of what is actually short ,a lot of care should be taken in working out precisely what must be done.The development of algorithms for finding the square root adan the greatest common divisor are good illustrations of how important it is to carefully define the problem.Then,from the definitions,we are led in naturaly way to algorithm designs for these two problems

Working backward from the solution

There are still other things we can try when we do not know to start on a problem.We can,for example,in some cases assume that we alredy have the solution to the problem and try to work back wards to staring condition.Even a guess at tehe solution to the problem may be enough to give us foothold to start on the problem.(See,for example,the square root on problem).Whetever attempt that we make to get stared on a problem we should write  down as we go along the various step and explorations made,This can be importand in allowing us to systemazize our investigations and avoid duplicationof effort.Another practice that helps us develop our problem-solving skills is,once we have solve a problem,to consciously refelect back on the way we went about discovering the solution .This can help us significantytly.The most crucial thing of all in developing problem-solving skill is practice.Piaget summed this up very with the statement tahat”learn most when we have to invent”


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