Introduction To Data Structures C++

Posted by Didi Setyapramana On 7:26 AM 0 komentar

Data type variable is the set of values ​​that variables can assume.

Basic Data Type in C:
int, char, float, double
Basic Data Types in PASCAL:
integer, real, char, boolean
ADT is a set of elements with a collection of well-defined operations.
1) The operation can take operands from not only examples of ADT, but other types of operands or examples of other ADTs.
2) Similarly, the results do not need examples of the ADT.
3) At least one operand or the result is of type ADT is concerned.

Object Oriented languages ​​like C + + and Java provide support explicite way to express Class ADTs.

A data structure is an implementation of ADT.That is a translation of the ADT to the report of the programming consists of language.It
1) Statement that defines the variable to be a type of ADT.
2) The operation is defined in the ADT (using the procedure of programming languages).

Choose ADT implementations of data structures to represent the ADT.
Each data structure is built from the basic data types of the underlying programming language using the available data structuring facilities, such as
arrays, records (structures in C), pointer, file, sets, etc.

A "Queue" is an abstract data type that can be defined as a sequence of elements with such operations Enqueue (x, T), Dequeue (Q).
This can be implemented using data structures such as
1) Array
2) a list of its own related
3) linked list of doubles
4) Circular array


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