Step 1: Start the program.
Step 2: Declare the class.
Step 3: Declare the variables and its member function.
Step 4: Using the function getvalue() to get the two numbers.
Step 5: Define the function operator ++ to increment the values
Step 6: Define the function operator – -to decrement the values.
Step 7: Define the display function.
Step 8: Declare the class object.
Step 9: Call the function getvalue
Step 10: Call the function operator ++() by incrementing the class object and call the function display.
Step 11: Call the function operator – -() by decrementing the class object and call the function display.
Step 12: Stop the program.




class complex


     int a,b,c;





        void getvalue()




                 cout<<"Enter the Two Numbers:";






  void operator++()










       void operator--()










        void display()










void main()






     complex obj;






     cout<<"Increment Complex Number\n";






     cout<<"Decrement Complex Number\n";








Enter the two numbers: 3 6
Increment Complex Number
4 + 7i
Decrement Complex Number
3 + 6i

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